Thursday, November 10, 2011

EXTRA BLOG * Sexual Predators Infest Internet

Amid the turmoil and the recent allegations posed against the Penn State football program, the quite controversial discussion of sexual predators has been a thorn in the side of society for many, many years. This instance, more popularized because it’s happening to a well-publicized figure, is merely one instance of an occurrence that’s happens daily worldwide. Sexual abuse has evolved as technology has evolved, being soon in different formats and being used through types of social media.  A main cog in sexual predation has been due to the rise of the Internet and how it is used in family households today.
            Even though computers provide an insurmountable amount of help and provide several resources to us, they also provide danger for homes full of young children and teens. A recent study done by SentryPC garnered some eye-popping statistics. The company sent out questionnaires and also went door to door asking for web users to fill out surveys. What was found may cause parents and guardians to become more aware of the things their children are doing on the Internet and whom they talk to via their social networks.
            The staggering statistics revealed these alarming facts. One in every five teens who use the Internet stated that they received some form of sexual solicitation, asking for sexual information and engagement. Twenty five percent of those children are exposed to pornographic material, and seventy five percent are wiling to share personal info in exchange for goods. Additionally one in every thirty youth says that they have encountered sexual solicitation aggressively in the last year. And lastly, one of the most eye popping of all is that only 1 in every 3 households are using some type of block or filtering system to protect their children.
            The statistics not only reveal those facts, they also reveal just how dangerous anything you do on the web is.  Even amongst those who don’t intentionally mean to come across sexually, if the wrong person views a questionable comment or observes a questionable interaction they could very well report it to police. This is why when surfing the net you need to be cautious for your children and family members, but also yourself as well. Having a filter in place may not completely protect a child, but it will be more beneficial to have one rather than not having one in place at all.

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