Friday, October 14, 2011

Flickr Fun

This past week, the class project was one that broadened technological horizons, for me especially. Having never truly used flicker until recently for the assignment, I was opened to several different things, which to me presented myriad opportunities for avid picture takers and photographers.  Our group gathered together and began to piece together what story we would be telling. After jotting down ideas and discussing what type of angles and pictures we were thinking of, our projected story finally was decided and the fun began.
The story Above the Influence summarized the first person view of the life of a college student, and the affects his decisions at a party would have on him. Through 2 sets of 5 pictures our group displayed a student studying, entering a party, accepting or not accepting a drink and joint, vomiting or helping a friend, and then waking up in the morning in bed or outside. From each picture, the story came to life. By using various lighting effects along with some color aspects the pictures greatly displayed what emotion or depictions we wanted to display. The fun of putting the story together and ultimately finishing it on flickr, made it look pretty cool.
Having never personally used flickr before at first it was adjustment, but after thorough navigation throughout the entire website it became clearer what the directions were, and how to upload photos. After finally figuring it out, use of flickr came rather easily. Uploading photos and creating sets was truly not difficult at all. Having the ability to easily upload pictures from users and successfully using flickr is a very effective tool in many different aspects. It can be used in political campaigning, journalism aspects, in showing support for a respective team or group, as well as being effective for showing family and friends photo’s of one’s family events such as a birth or wedding. Flickr’s easy maneuverable ability allows for not only regular users, but new users as well to share useful content amongst each other efficiently.
Though the familiarity with the website may not come as quickly as some may hope, there is no need to panic as several resources for flickr “aid” are across the internet. As noted in PBworks web page, Flickrfun, even when one struggles with usage of the flickr website, there is always support from other users who even give ideas and strategies to make fun in the flickr world more readily. In the words of the sombrero wearing young girl, “Flick is so much fun!”


  1. I think you described the learning curve for Flickr really well. You showed how its user friendliness makes it a site that can be easily navigated. Also you described the different uses for Flickr and your idea of using it in journalism relates to what we read about flickr amateurs going professional. This is good stuff.

  2. The way u describe Flickr is very interesting and how how is can be used differently. I like the part where u talk about how flickr is becoming more popular.

  3. Did you think using flickr was fun? Do you agree with that idea? It is easy to use and is a great creative tool, but is it really that fun?

  4. This flickr project was pretty cool. You get to work with others and collaborate on the storyline. I would ask the same question as John Townsend, was flickr really that fun of a tool? If so, would you recommend it to anybody.
